Why You Need Gilmore Girls

Chloe Pacetti, 22’

I have an addiction to Gilmore Girls. I have no trouble admitting this nor do I regret the choices that have led to this addiction. In fact, I am watching Gilmore Girls as I write this. I tell myself that it’s for literary inspiration, but I think we both know that it’s just plain addiction that has driven me to have it playing in the background. Gilmore Girls, for those who don’t know, is a TV show about a mother-daughter duo living in a scenic, wacky town in Connecticut. I am a strong believer that we all need a little Gilmore Girls in our lives. 

For one, it has something for everyone: action, romance, comedy, scandal, and exorbitant amounts of junk food. I guarantee there is at least one episode in this show that will inadvertently give you life advice that caters to your exact unique situation. Don’t believe me? Just watch it -- it’s on Netflix. The show follows Rory Gilmore, a teenage private school student and her young mother, Lorelei, who had Rory when she was 16. The 7 season story arch isn’t about anything in particular, but I think this is the most beautiful part of the show. It’s able to take you into this town, into these ordinary peoples’ lives, and invest us in them. Invest us in a way that transcends regular TV. It is so ordinary, so heartfelt, so captivating, we forget that we aren’t really there. I wouldn’t describe it as an escape, it’s more of an optional oasis. So please, do yourself the favor of opening a new tab and embarking on something truly special.