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Good Study Habits for Students: How to break that Quarantine Cruising Cycle!

Pew Devi, ‘24

It has been almost 2 months since school has started and some students admit that it has been hard to get back into the swing of things. There have been many events occurring over  the past year and it seems like the last thing people need is for schools to reopen. However, now that hybrid learning is taking place there is no denying that school this year has been difficult, especially for the students going fully remote. There has been discontent over virtual learning due to the fact that some students simply can’t focus anymore, or that being in your room and talking to your class through a screen doesn’t give the same energy then when you do in person. So in order to help, here are a few study habits and general tips to help you get through this school year!

Put the phone away

This almost sounds silly, but unless you're listening to music, you should put your phone away. If you have a phone next to you, you would most likely be more distracted by the urge to check your phone every 5 minutes or so. Not to mention taking those “5 minute” breaks. I know being on the phone is tempting, but in reality it just makes you unable to concentrate, so to help yourself, put it out of your sight.

Create a study plan and checklist

This might seem like a lot of work, but it’s just a simple checklist. Once you have it in writing, you’ll be more likely to stick to it. Plan out what assignments you're going to do and when. Write down the key tasks and the steps needed to complete your homework. Some homework might be a higher priority than others, and some assignments might take up more time. At moments this  can be overwhelming, but doing the most important assignments earlier gives you more time to work on other assignments. Planning what assignments you're going to do on each day and noting a specific time will help you organize your school work and prioritize time for yourself. 

Put yourself in a productive work environment 

Working in a noisy environment or a messy room could reduce your study time or make you less efficient. Being comfortable is important when it comes to studying, since you're going to be focusing on your notes. Clean your desk and room. Is your chair comfortable? Is the lighting alright? Do you have your materials? Is your room quiet? Is your phone away from you or switched off? Even the smallest things can be a distraction, so make sure you just get what you need.

Take notes during class

You’ll need to be reviewing your notes from class and the general material. To do this well, you should take many notes during class, and try to keep them organized. Maybe you don’t know how or when to take notes, that is okay. Write down what you think is important whether this is everything the teacher says or what's written on the screen/board. As long as you have the information, you are fine.

Time yourself, your study-sessions, and your breaks

You might not be able to study for long periods of time, and that is okay. Divvy up your study sessions into shorter time slots such as 25-40 minutes. Breaks are also vital to your work periods, so make sure to take 5 minute breaks in-between sessions. Make sure you don’t stretch out your breaks and start procrastinating again.

Use the time you have to your benefit

Your schedules might include a long period of breaks in-between classes. Maybe you have 2 hours of break time before classes or maybe an hour. Whatever amount of time you have, make use of it! Do some of the easier homework assignments during that time. It will save you more time after school to do the bigger assignments. When it comes to the world of virtual learning, letting homework pile up can be easily done but it needs to be avoided. If you have clubs or any sports afterschool then it’s harder to have free time, which is why using your school time is the best option.

Don’t let your homework pile up

It may sound obvious, however many students let their homework pile up, especially during virtual learning. It is best to start your workload early, or the day it’s given to you. Doing homework right when it is assigned  is best because that is  when the information is fresh in your mind.

Use a planner to keep track of assignments and deadlines

If you're not an organized person when it comes to your assignments, maybe use a planner. It doesn’t really need to be a planner, just write down what’s due and when. It doesn’t need to be fancy. The important thing is to keep your planner up to date, so you don’t have to rely on your memory or wait for your teachers to remind you. Writing your assignments down is one of the best steps you can take to become more organized.

Test yourself periodically

It sounds extra, but it’s worth it. Before a major test comes up, you should have mini-tests to see where you are and where you can improve before the actual exam. When you take everything you learned and test yourself, you can also practice time management which is really important when taking timed tests. Also, make sure your environment is suitable for an actual test, such as ensuring your room is quiet. Taking a test to see where your skill-set is at is really important so you can study the right things and improve all around. So taking those extra tests are worth it.

Use online resources if you need some help

If you're not sure in your abilities or simply need to re-teach yourself a lesson, using online sources like Khan Academy, Spark Notes, or Quizlet can be useful. These are essentially notes in itself, however, you can use online resources to help clarify what you have trouble with. Asking your teacher questions is the most useful thing you can do, but if you're not comfortable with that, the internet is an alternative.

That concludes the tips you should use to help you study. They may not work for everyone, but it’s still extremely helpful to use them. Virtual learning has brought many changes to our lives and it may be difficult to adjust to the sudden changes, but these tips should help with the transition. Getting a routine and habit down is really useful for the future, as many things are uncertain about the upcoming year. Best of luck to everyone and make sure to push through the year!